Francois Lenoir / Reuters

Cameron kicks off high-stakes weekend on EU reform talks

British PM says he will support remaining in the EU if UK gets more autonomy

British Prime Minister David Cameron is kicking off a high-stakes weekend of diplomatic negotiations on European Union reforms with a visit to EU headquarters.

Cameron will be hosted on Friday by the leaders of the EU's executive commission and the European Parliament, amid signs on both sides that they want a deal. If he gets enough reform, Cameron could argue for continued EU membership during a U.K. referendum on the issue that could come as early as this summer.

On Sunday, Cameron will host EU President Donald Tusk for more talks at Downing Street before the EU summit on Feb. 18 and 19.

Cameron has said he will back staying in the EU if the reform will allow the U.K. more independent decision-making and said he was heartened by recent talks.

“What I was previously told was impossible is now looking like it is possible,” he told the BBC. “We have made progress. It is encouraging that people like the European Commission are coming forward with ideas,” he said before his meeting with Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

Speculation is mounting that the EU will offer the U.K. an emergency brake, which would allow the U.K. to place temporary curbs on benefits for refugees if the the country’s welfare system is under strain.

The proposal could satisfy the U.K.'s goal of regaining some control over immigration and other countries' desire to maintain the key EU principle of free movement among member states.

Pro-EU Conservative lawmaker Nick Herbert told the BBC that U.K. citizens would be willing to consider the idea, “because what we want is a solution.”

But Euroskeptic Tory legislator John Redwood said the proposal was “simply a bad joke” that would not give the U.K. control of its borders.

The Associated Press

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