Nov 19 8:33 PM

My two dads

The Stream (Al Jazeera)

If a child is raised in a home with two loving parents, does gender matter? Nearly 65,000 adopted children are living in homes with same sex parents. While 2 million LGBT people want to adopt, legal barriers make it difficult in many states. Studies show children raised by same sex couples fare as well as those raised by different sex couples. But some say single gender homes deprive children of experiencing distinct gender roles. We'll discuss what it’s like being raised by same sex parents.

On this episode of The Stream, we'll speak to:

Annamarya Scaccia @annamarya_s
Freelance Journalist

Robert Oscar Lopez @MamanPapa5
Professor, CA State University Northridge

David Brodzinsky
Research and Project Director, Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute

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