Oct 1 5:29 PM

Shedding light on domestic violence with #31forMarissa campaign

Marissa Alexander waits for her retrial to be called in Duval County courtroom in Jacksonville, Fla. (AP/Bob Self)
Marissa Alexander waits for her retrial to be called in Duval County courtroom in Jacksonville, Fla. (AP/Bob Self)

A new initiative to engage men in conversations about domestic violence and garner support for an incarcerated Florida woman was launched on October 1 with the #31forMarissa campaign. Marissa Alexander, 34, was sentenced to 20 years in jail on an aggravated assault charge after firing a warning shot to scare her abusive husband, Gary Rico. The project was launched in conjunction with Domestic Violence Awareness (DVA) month and asks men to write letters encouraging discourse related to domestic violence, and to "stand up and in engage in the pursuit of freedom for a Black woman."

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