[View the story "Spanish woman found guilty of 'glorifying terrorism' on Twitter" on Storify ]Spanish woman found guilty of 'glorifying terrorism' on Twitter Prosecutor calls tweets "highly radicalized and violent." Storified by AJAMStream · Tue, Feb 04 2014 15:43:56
One tweet under scrutiny from July 2012
read , "The PP [governing Popular Party] taught me that there is still a great need for the GRAPO."
Other tweets called for violence against members of the PP:
Translation: Ipromise to tattoo myself with the face of the person who shoots [Spanish Prime Minister Mariano] Rajoy in theneck and also shoots one in [Minister of Economy and Competitiveness Luis] De Guindos. #RajoyCoward #rescue
Prometo tatuarme la cara de quien le pegue un tiro en la nuca a Rajoy y otro a De Guindos. #RajoyCobarde #rescateLoba Roja
Gonzalez Camacho was sentenced to one year in prison, but her settlement deal has allowed her to avoid incarceration unless she commits a new crime. She will also be
disqualified from holding public office for the next seven years.
Some in Spain reacted to the ruling online:
Translation: Now advocating terrorismon Twitter is punishable by prison, thanks to Alba Gonzalez Camacho forordering a shot to Rajoy's neck.
Ya esta penado con la cárcel la apología del terrorismo en Twitter, gracias a Alba González Camacho por pedir el tiro en la nuca a Rajoy.del Arco®
Translation: After seeingthe news of Alba Gonzalez Camacho, this question comes up, is it punishable tosay whatever you want on Twitter?
@policia Tras ver la noticia de Alba González Camacho me surge una duda, está penado decir lo que quieras en twitter?Kevin
Translation: While fascists roamaround, people like @albacorazonegro are sentenced to one year in prison forpraising the GRAPO. Interesting.
Mientras los fascitas campan a sus anchas, gente como @albacorazonegro es condenada a 1 año de carcel por ensalzar a los GRAPO, interesante.Victor Montañana •••
Translation: I would support sentencing if allthe stupid things that are said on Twitter were also pursued
@villapoldavid @Twit_terrorist @albacorazonegro yo apoyaría la condena si se persiguieran igual todas las burradas que se dicen en TwitterÀlex
Translation: Let’s form a platform tosupport her since the emotion generated by this government is one of rage andhelplessness that has caused this young girl to explode and expressherself in an unfortunate way. How many of us have had a similar feelingtowards these unpunished and corrupt politicians who wage social terrorism withthe words, reactive ideologies and dictators, laws and decrees that are causingthe death and misery of many families?
Hacemos una plataforma de apoyo hacia ella ya que el sentimiento generado por este gobierno de rabia e indefensión ha hecho que esta chica explotara y lo expresara de una forma desafortunada. ¿Cuantos de nosotros tenemos un sentimiento parecido hacia estos políticos impunes y corruptos que hacen terrorismo social con las palabras, ideologías retrogradas y dictadoras, y decretos leyes que están causando la muerte y el mal vivir de muchas familias?facebook.com
Gonzalez Camacho continued to tweet to her followers, even after her sentencing.
21-year-old who made #twitter call for return of Maoist GRAPO terrorists gets 12-month suspended sentence. Still tweeting. @albacorazonegroleeds citizen
What do you think? Should Alba Gonzalez Camacho have been found guilty of glorifying terrorism?
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