Would you take a pill that allows you to live to 10,000?
In "The Death of Aging," Fault Lines looks at what happens when for-profit companies set their sights on helping humans live healthier, longer. The film airs on Monday, May 11, at 10 pm Eastern time/7 pm Pacific on Al Jazeera America. | Click here to find Al Jazeera in your area.
During the filming of the new Fault Lines episode "The Death of Aging," Correspondent Josh Rushing asked a philosophical question to all the interviewees: "If I could give you a pill that would allow to live for 10,000 years, would you take it?"
Watch the video for some of our favorite responses:
Would you take a pill that would let you live for 10,000 years?
Respondents (in order of appearance):
Francis Collins, director, National Institutes of Health
Christopher Thomas Scott, bioethicist, Stanford University School of Medicine
Stuart Kim, geneticist, Stanford University School of Medicine
Olivette Burton, bioethicist and social worker
George Dvorsky, writer and futurist
Shelly Kagan, philosopher, Yale University
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