Fault Lines - Elsipogtog: The Fire Over Water - full episode

January 5, 2015 12:00AM ET

Fault Lines travels to Canada to find out what happens when a First Nation says no to fracking


On October 17, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police raided a protest site set up by Mi’kmaq people and their supporters trying to prevent a Texas-based corporation from fracking. The company had received rights to explore for shale gas by the province of New Brunswick.

The raid turned to chaos as residents of the Elsipogtog First Nation arrived to confront them. Police pepper-sprayed elders and fired sock rounds to control the crowd. Six police vehicles were set ablaze. Some 40 people were arrested.

It was the most spectacular eruption yet in a struggle led by indigenous people to protect land they say they’ve never ceded and water they consider sacred.

Fault Lines has traveled to New Brunswick to ask why their fight caught fire, and to find out what happens when Canada’s First Nations say no to resource extraction projects.

Original air date: December 6, 2013


Executive Producer: Mathieu Skene, Senior Producers: Reem Akkad @reemakkad and Paul Sapin @paulsapin, Correspondent: Wab Kinew @wabkinew, Director of Photography: Joel VanHaren @joelvanharen with Nicole Salazar @nicolesalazar, Andrea Schmidt @whatescapes, Producer: Andrea Schmidt @whatescapes, Editor: Warwick Meade @warwickmeade, Production Assistance: Abdulai Bah @africandobah, Nicole Salazar @nicolesalazar, Omar Duwaji @mideasternist, Laurin-Whitney Gottbrath @elledubg, Michelle Koepp @MichelleKoepp, Senior Digital Producer: Kristen Taylor @kthread, Associate Digital Producer: Danielle Powell @daniellejenene, Production Support: Amma Prempeh, Special thanks to Frank Lopez @stimulator, Miles Howe @mileshowe, Chris Sabas, Danny Knockwood, Xanadu NB, @amandalickers, @APTNnews, Ossie Michelin @osmich, James Robinson and Tom Fennario

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