Fault Lines - State of Play: Football Players and the NCAA - full episode

September 8, 2015 4:15PM ET

Fault Lines examines the billion-dollar industry of college football—and players' demands for a more equitable game


Business has been good for the National Collegiate Athletic Association, or NCAA, the nonprofit organization that sets the rules for college sports. In less than two decades, the NCAA's assets have skyrocketed, growing by nearly 1,000 percent. The athletes who star on the field, however, don’t receive long-term health care, are prevented from collecting a paycheck, and have no seat at the bargaining table.

Now football players are challenging the status quo on multiple fronts. In April, the team at Northwestern University rocked the sports world by voting on whether to form the first union in college football history. Former Clemson University standout Darius Robinson joined a class-action lawsuit to overturn NCAA rules that prevent athletes from sharing in the revenue they produce. And Adrian Arrington, a former captain at Eastern Illinois University, is the lead plaintiff in a landmark concussion suit against the NCAA.

Fault Lines examines the state of play inside college sports, and a string of cases that could bring fundamental change to the NCAA.

Original air date: June 21, 2014


Executive Producer: Mathieu Skene, Senior Producers: Reem Akkad @reemakkad, Laila Al-Arian @LailaAlarian, Correspondent: Josh Rushing @joshrushing, Producer: Paul Abowd @paulabowd, Director of Photography: Victor Suarez @tadashi_lives, Editor: Warwick Meade @warwickmeade, Additional Photography: Joel Van Haren @joelvanharen, Additional Editing: Joel Van Haren, Digital Producer: Nikhil Swaminathan @sw4mi, Associate Digital Producer: Danielle Powell @DanielleJenene, Production and Research Assistance: Viktorija Mickute, Additional footage courtesy of Eastern Illinois University

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