Chatuchak– an illegal wildlife marketplace

Behind the scenes at a hotspot for the illegal wildlife trade

Chatuchak in Bangkok is one of the largest open flea markets in Thailand, attracting locals and tourists alike. It boasts over 8,000 venders selling every type of good under the sun: ceramics, antiques, furniture, clothing and accessories, endangered animals...yes, endangered animals.

The market is a tragically perfect place to sell and buy illegal wildlife. It’s a bustling scene with hoards of people, perfect cover for a potential deal. Vendors can hide their illegal animals behind domestic pet storefronts.  And it’s in Thailand, which still serves as a major funnel for the $10 billion illegal wildlife trade.  There’s a good chance that what’s sold in Chatuchak might find it’s way back to the U.S.

One of TechKnow’s cameramen strolled through Chatuchak undercover to film some of the scenes and the exotic, endangered species available to patrons. Here’s what he saw. 

The following are rare and endangered species found in Chatuchak.  

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